Strengthen Your Parenting Skills

May 2, 2019

There’s so much to learn about the world of parenting and child development. Every day is a learning experience, and the more you know, the more your family
will thrive.

Your knowledge of parenting and child development is an important tool to help you raise a strong, resilient child. Learning more about parenting and child
development helps you:

  • Recognize your child’s unique needs
  • Know how to best help your child learn and thrive
  • Understand how to respond in a positive way to challenging behavior
  • Enjoy parenting more and build a stronger family
Never Stop Learning

So how can you increase your knowledge of parenting and child development?

First, focus on your strengths. Make a list of what you do well as a parent.

Then, write down at least one thing you want to learn about parenting for each of your children. Brainstorm with people who could help you learn those
things. Your child’s doctor and child care provider are great people to talk to.

You can also call thread when you have parenting questions. thread serves as the call center for Help Me Grow Alaska.
By calling Help Me Grow at 833-HMG-ALASKA, you can get child development information as well as tools to help track your child’s milestones.

Strengthening Families

Being informed about parenting and child development is one characteristic of a strong family. This along with other characteristics are known as “protective
factors” in the Strengthening Families framework. Strengthening Families is
a research-based approach used to help children and their families thrive. Learn more about Strengthening Families.

More Parenting Resources