Provide testimony to a committee on a bill


  • Be prepared for a time limit. It will likely be two or three minutes per person.
  • Call in to testify by phone. Or if you’re in Juneau you can testify in-person.
  • Write out your testimony. Using a script helps you get your points across quickly.
  • Contact your local Legislative Information Office ( They can answer questions about submitting testimony by phone or email.
  • Make it personal. Share a brief story or experience as part of your testimony.
  • Give some facts. Use a statistic or two, but be sure to mention the source.
  • You can submit testimony by email. This is a great option if you’re unable to call in during the committee hearing.


My name is [Full Name] and I am calling [from/live in City]. I am a [parent, provider, business owner, etc.] and I’m speaking on behalf of [myself or the organization you’re representing]. I am calling today to ask you to support [give bill number] which provides additional support to child care programs.

As the owner of an early childcare and development center, I see the challenges within the child care sector every day. The families I serve are struggling to pay their monthly child care fees. But the fees I charge families are barely enough to pay my workers a livable wage. Public investment in child care can make a difference. The First Years Fund reports that each dollar spent on child care results in a $7 return on that investment over the long-term. Child care is essential to families, businesses and the economy. Please vote yes on this bill. I’m happy to answer any questions you have. Thank you for your time.