Alaska SEED COVID-19 Update

May 12, 2020

In response to the changes COVID-19 has brought to the early childhood education sector, Alaska SEED has updated its policies and procedures to make things a little easier for you during this time.

These changes include:

  • Training costs covered at 100%: From April 1 through June 30, Alaska SEED will pay 100% of your training costs through a Professional Development Reimbursement (PDR), up from 75%. Get started.
  • Conference Reimbursements: Get PDR and Travel Reimbursements for attending the AEYC-SEA Conference, recently held in Juneau. Get started.
  • Easier application process!
    • Get help completing your Alaska SEED reimbursement applications! The Alaska SEED team is here to help with your application.
    • You can verify and approve your applications by email or text! If needed, your acknowledgement on email or text will now serve as your signature.
    • Waive the 60-day policy on all Professional Development funding applications during the Government mandates and/or through the end of the fiscal year (whichever is longer).

As a reminder, all thread trainings are free through the end of June and are available online statewide. Visit thread’s training calendar for available times and topics.

Lastly, if your program did not receive notification of thread’s COVID-19 Quality Initiative funding, please have your administrator click here to apply. Funding is on a first come, first serve basis.

Alaska SEED looks forward to working with you during the COVID-19 pandemic.