Recognized Credentials

Earning a credential means that you’ve met a defined set of requirements related to skills and knowledge, and is a professional recognition
of your qualifications. The Alaska SEED Registry recognizes the following early childhood
education credentials.

Child Development Associate (CDA)

The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential is offered through the Council for Professional Recognition and is nationally awarded
and recognized. The CDA Credential focuses on the skills of professionals in the early childhood education field and is designed to
provide performance-based training, assessment, and a credential for child care center staff, family child care providers, and home

Alaska Early Childhood Administrator (AK-ECAC)

The Alaska Early Childhood Administrator Credential (AK-ECAC) is designed to help administrators gain core knowledge and competencies
in fiscal and human resource management, foundation in child development, family engagement practices, social emotional development,
and environmental assessment.

This credential has different requirements for providers of:

  • Centers/Group Homes
  • Family Child Cares

Learn more by following this link:

Questions? Contact us at or at 907.265.3194.