Give Children a Chance to Thrive – Pick.Click.Give. to thread

December 29, 2019

What does it mean for your family to have access to high-quality child care?

Is it being able to go to work or school because your child is in a safe place being cared for by a professional early childhood educator? Or trusting
that your child is receiving healthy meals and daily physical activity? Maybe it is feeling confident that your child is learning to play well
with others and has age-appropriate toys that spark creative expression and development?

High-quality child care is all of these things and more!

It’s licensed child care that is safe, healthy, and playful. And most importantly, has well-educated teachers who nurture and lead each day.

When babies and young children get a good start in life, their chance for success increases exponentially, resulting in better preparedness for school,
higher rates of graduation, and workforce readiness.

High-quality early education is not only powerful, it’s possible – with you!

With just one click, you can help Alaska’s youngest children to thrive.

Choose thread in 2020 Pick.Click.Give. thread helps families gain access to high-quality child care, as well as supports
early educators and child care programs in delivering high-quality care.

Starting Jan. 1, look for the green button on the right panel of the PFD website and make a gift that will have
a big impact for Alaska’s youngest children.